Our users:
The simple interface of Algebrator makes it easy for my son to get right down to solving math problems. Thanks for offering such a useful program.
Seth Lore, IA
This software has been great at helping me with my fractions. Something, Id struggled with for years. I have asked my parents for help, but they say all the math looks different now than when they were in school. Now, I dont need to ask anymore because the software explains everything.
Margaret Thomas, NY
WOW!!! I love the upgrade. I just read (via the online help files) about the wizards and really like the way theyre setup. Im currently working on synthetic division in class that particular wizard is GREAT!!! The interface much easier to use than the old version! I love the toolbars entering equations is so easy! The online documentation, in terms of providing help for entering equations, is great. This is actually my second Algebra software purchase. The first program I purchased was a complete disappointment. Entering equations was difficult and the documentation was horrible. I was very happy to find your software and now am ecstatic with the upgrade to Algebra Help. I am a working adult attending college part time in the evenings. The support this product provides me is invaluable and I would highly recommend it to students of any age!
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