Hi fellow students , I heard that there are various programs that can help with us doing our homework,like a tutor substitute. Is this really true? Is there a software that can assist me with algebra ? I have never tried one thus far , but they are probably not hard to use I think . If anyone tried such a software , I would really appreciate some more detail about it. I'm in College Algebra now, so I've been studying things like math worksheet for dummies and it's not easy at all.
What exactly don't you understand about math worksheet for dummies? I remember having problem with the same thing in Algebra 1, so I might be able to give you some advice on how to handle such problems. However if you want help with math on a long term basis, then you should try out Algebrator, that's what I did in my Intermediate algebra, and I have to say it's so cool! It's less expensive than a tutor and you can work with it anytime you feel like. It's very easy to use it , even if you never ever tried a similar software . I would advise you to purchase it as soon as you can and forget about getting a algebra tutor . You won't regret it!
Algebrator is the perfect algebra tool to help you with projects. It covers everything you need to know about roots in an easy and comprehensive way . algebra had never been easy for me to grasp but this software made it easy to understand . The logical and step-by–step approach to problem solving is really a plus and soon you will discover that you love solving problems.
Algebrator is a great software and is surely worth a try. You will find many exciting stuff there. I use it as reference software for my math problems and can swear that it has made learning math much more enjoyable.