Algebra Tutorials!
Rational Expressions
Graphs of Rational Functions
Solve Two-Step Equations
Multiply, Dividing; Exponents; Square Roots; and Solving Equations
Solving a Quadratic Equation
Systems of Linear Equations Introduction
Equations and Inequalities
Solving 2nd Degree Equations
Review Solving Quadratic Equations
System of Equations
Solving Equations & Inequalities
Linear Equations Functions Zeros, and Applications
Rational Expressions and Functions
Linear equations in two variables
Lesson Plan for Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
Solving Equations
Radicals and Rational Exponents
Solving Linear Equations
Systems of Linear Equations
Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Solving Systems of Linear Equations
Solving Quadratic Equations
Quadratic and Rational Inequalit
Applications of Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Systems of Linear Equations
Test Description for RATIONAL EX
Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Systems of Linear Equations: Cramer's Rule
Introduction to Systems of Linear Equations
Literal Equations & Formula
Equations and Inequalities with Absolute Value
Rational Expressions
Steepest Descent for Solving Linear Equations
The Quadratic Equation
Linear equations in two variables
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princeton hall mathematic book
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Author Message


Registered: 09.11.2003

Posted: Friday 29th of Dec 15:50    

Hello people . I am a student in the Algebra 1. I like math a lot since I was young. Unfortunately I have come to a point where I can no longer solve my algebra problems on my own . I had a algebra private teacher, who helped me so far with my homework, but I had to pay a lot of money that I had to tell him not to come anymore. Today we studied something new: princeton hall mathematic book, and when I came home from class I noticed that I can't do my math homework, and that stressed me. I also still don't understand inverse matrices and gcf. What should I do now? I love math and I don't want to have low grades.
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Registered: 16.07.2003
From: Odense, Denmark

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 16:24    

How about some more information on your difficulty with princeton hall mathematic book? I might be able to suggest . If you are not able to get a good tutor or some one to sit and sort out your trouble or if if it is too expensive , then there might be another way out . There are some good math software that you can check out . I tested them out myself. It came across to me as brilliant as any tutor can be. I would choose Algebrator for the kind of solutions that you are seeking . What is pretty about it is that it assists you step by step to the answer rather than plainly giving the answer. Why not try it out?
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Registered: 08.01.2002
From: Australia

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 07:17    

Algebrator really helps you out in princeton hall mathematic book. I have tried every Algebra software online . It is very logical. You just give your problem and it will produce a complete step-by-step report of the solution. This helped me a lot with trigonometric functions, roots and interval notation. It helps you understand Math better. I was distressedof paying a lot of money to Maths Tutors who could not give me the required time and attention. It is a worthful tool which could change your entire mindset towards math. Using Algebrator would be fun. Take it.
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Registered: 22.04.2002
From: Kvlt of Ø

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 12:29    

I remember having difficulties with linear algebra, binomial formula and evaluating formulas. Algebrator is a truly great piece of math software. I have used it through several algebra classes - Algebra 2, College Algebra and Basic Math. I would simply type in the problem and by clicking on Solve, step by step solution would appear. The program is highly recommended.
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Registered: 18.09.2005

Posted: Tuesday 02nd of Jan 10:34    

I'm so happy I got these answers so fast, I can't wait to check out Algebrator. Can you tell me one more thing, where could I find this software ? I'm not so good at searching for things like this, so it would be good if you could give me a link . Thanks a lot!
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Registered: 04.04.2005
From: 45°26' N, 09°10' E

Posted: Wednesday 03rd of Jan 14:26    

You can find the software here
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