The Algebrator is the greatest software ever!
Warren Mills, CA
Algebra problems solving techniques are what you will receive and learn when you use the Algebrator; it is one of the best learning software programs out there.
Richard Straton, OH
The newest release of your software is tremendous. Besides the GUI I particularly liked the "wizards" that make entry of geometry type problems so much easier. I haven't yet used the more advanced features (function operations etc), but this will become handy once I get into College Algebra.
Jack Garner, IL
What I like about this software is the simple way of explaning which anybody can understand. And, by 'anybody, I really mean it.
Sonya Johnson, TX
I am very particular about my son's academic needs and keep a constant watch. Recently, I found that he is having trouble in understanding algebra equations. I was not able to devote much time to him because of my busy schedule. Then this software came as God sent gift. The simple way of explaining difficult concepts made my son grasp the subject quickly. I recommend this software to all.
R.B., Kentucky