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Lesson Plan for Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
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The Quadratic Equation
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Lesson Plan for Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers

Related Standard (Source): Indiana Academic Standards – Math (Number): 7.1.2 and 7.1.7
Standards: 7.1.2 – Compare and order rational and common irrational numbers and place them on a number line.
7.1.5 – Convert terminating decimals into reduced fractions.
TOPIC (key point; concept; skill): Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
OBJECTIVE (TSWBAT + performance, conditions, criteria): In order to show an understanding of how to
compare and order rational numbers, TSWBAT correctly order a set of 8 Popsicle sticks with a partner.
MATERIALS: Teacher: white board, dry erase markers, math book, writing utensils, a set of 4 Popsicle sticks for
each student
Student: writing utensils, math book, notebook paper

I. PROCEDURES (teacher and student tasks)

A. Beginning of lesson
1. Classroom management two-part step (to have students ready to learn, in listening position, where they
need to be): After students have entered the classroom, the teacher will ask the students to take out the
previous day’s homework. The class will then go through the homework together and students will grade
their own work. If students are still straggling, the teacher will quickly and quietly ask those students to
stay with the class.
2. Statements to initiate or set the stage for the lesson; motivation; overview; or establish and atmosphere:
The teacher will explain that hopefully by now students are beginning to get a good feel for fractions. As
we progress through the mathematics world, there are many more helpful uses for math. Today, we will
learn to compare and order fractions so that we can make sense out of these concepts.

B. Instruction Step:
*=Modifications (strategies to meet individual, special needs at a particular step)

1. While reviewing the homework, the teacher will make sure that students have an understanding of the
least common multiple. If there are problems, the teacher will make sure to allow time to review some
of these problems.

2. The teacher will write and explain the definition of a common denominator and the least common
denominator. Students will write these definitions and other notes during the class period in their
notebooks. The teacher will explain how to find a common denominator for two fractions.

3. The teacher will present the students with two fractions and then show students how to order them.
While showing this example, the teacher will write the steps on the board.

4. The students will then complete a couple of examples on their own.

5. The teacher will explain that the real power in comparing fractions comes when we compare ratios.
The teacher will present an example and have the students compare the ratio. The students will then
complete two more examples on their own.

6. The teacher will then present the students with three more examples that require students to order a
combination of fractions and decimals.

7. The teacher will then proceed to the closure and assessment stages.

8. The teacher will explain the homework assignment.

C. Closure statement (brief lesson review, summary, doesn’t have to be the last step if something is going to be
made or an activity will follow): The students will complete an activity that requires them to order 8 given
popsicle sticks in groups. This will also serve as the assessment.

II. ASSESSMENT (how is objective met by students: observation, written work, presentation, quiz, etc): Each
student will receive a set of 4 Popsicle sticks. Students will be paired with the student next to them. The students
will work together to order the 8 total Popsicle sticks from least to greatest. During this activity, the teacher will
walk around and observe the students working. If a group seems to be struggling, the teacher will assist that group.
In addition, the teacher will note these groups and observe them for changes in the following days; if problems still
exist, the teacher will provide remediation.

III. EXTENSION AND REMEDIATION (what will be done beyond lesson; strategies for those who need
further instruction, assistance):
A. Individual Extension: If more time is available, the teacher will ask students to write 5 different everyday
uses for comparing and ordering fractions.
B. Group Extension: If the entire class finishes the lesson early, the teacher will present the students with story
problems and other examples that require students to compare and order fractions.
C. Individual Remediation: For an individual student, the teacher will assist the student by simplifying a
fraction step-by-step while placing this work next to the steps in the student’s notebook.
D. Group Remediation: If the entire class does not understand, the teacher will follow the same steps as for
individual remediation and work through a problem with the class.

IV: HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT(S): Pg. 230 #14 – 42 even

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